Difficult moments in life have to be overcome with patience

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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We face various situations in our life, sometimes we pass through happiness, sometimes we pass through sadness, there will be difficult moments in our life, we always have to overcome those difficult moments with patience, because difficult times are difficult. And difficult moments don't last long, difficult moments should be easily passed.

Although when difficult moments come in our life, many times we break down, we cannot be patient, it is normal that difficult moments will come in life, those difficult moments will not remain in our life permanently, it will go away very quickly and the path of life will become easier, difficult moments Take it easy in life, if we can simply overcome our difficult moments then life will be much easier.

Many people among us cannot easily pass through the difficult moments of life, and they think that their life seems to end here, but life does not end here, remember that the deeper the night, the faster the morning approaches, the night. If it is deep, there is nothing to fear, if you are afraid of the night, it will be difficult to wake up in the morning.

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Sometimes many dangers come together in our life, like a few days ago many dangers came together in my life, then I was in a difficult moment of life, I faced many dangers at once, slowly all those dangers disappeared from me, and my dangers disappeared a lot. Experiencing a beautiful situation, gradually freed from all dangers.

When I was facing danger, I thought that how come so much danger in my life? I then patiently faced the dangers, and waited for the dangers to disappear, that waiting turn is over, now I am danger free, though sometimes difficult moments come at different times, they go away again.

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Thanks everyone for reading my post today.

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