It is very good to see the road renovation work in our village

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

photo edit by canva

When we want to go from one place to another, we have to go through any road, sometimes that road is short and sometimes that road is very big, if we go somewhere far away then we have to go through a big road, which we call world road. I say, and when I go somewhere near, I go through a small road.

Roads leading away are larger and stronger because of the high volume of traffic, but roads that go into villages, and are not heavily trafficked, are shorter and stronger. No, because many heavy and large vehicles do not ply this road.

For example, when we go to Dhaka, we go through the big road or world road, to go to that road, we first go through the small roads of our village, small vehicles ply on the small roads, so this road is not made strong, but on the distant roads. The road becomes very large because of the large number of vehicles plying, and those vehicles carrying heavy loads.

There is only one road to enter our village, this road has not been repaired for a long time, due to which the road is broken in many places, and small vehicles have met with various accidents while passing through this broken road. It will be, and this road will be made very beautiful, so that no more accidents happen on this road.

For few days various vehicles have been brought to repair this road in our village, by which we are doing this road repair work, most of these vehicles are used for road repair, today afternoon while going to the market, I saw the road repair work and took pictures of these vehicles, Many people are working on this road renovation, and many people are watching this work from time to time.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.

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The community must be very happy with the construction of a road project like this
