Most people nowadays forget about benefits

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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Nowadays, most people forget about favors, if you do black favors, the person will not remember your favors, you will know immediately if he remembers your favors? When you check him, can you think whether he loves me or not? If he preys on your words of favor.

You will always do favors to people, every day you favor them with your wealth, but when for some reason you can't do favors one day their true identity comes out, they will never prey. Everyone rejoices at the news of peace, they will not hunt their own benefits before the people.

If for some reason you are not able to do a favor to those whom you do every day, then you will see that they will all forget about your previous favors, and they will say that you do nothing for them, you only take their things, never do them any favors. will try to If each of us can help other people, many people will return home with help from me in my time of danger.

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Those who forget your benefits are never real people, they see their own potential everywhere, they only think about their own benefit wherever they go, they think that all the people of the world should benefit them, and they never benefit anyone, And they only try to take advantage of other people.

No one comes forward when this type of person is in danger, those who forget about benefit cannot maintain their position, therefore those who will benefit us should remember the benefit, and we will try to benefit them when we get the opportunity. If we all help each other then our society will be better.

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Thanks everyone for reading my post today.

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