Today is a Friday holiday and time is spent at home on holiday

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

oday is Friday 16th February 2024, half of the second month of this year is over, so one day this month will end, and one day this year will also end. The day that ends in our life never comes back, we always have to wait for the next day, what will we do tomorrow? What will happen to us tomorrow? We spend our days thinking about it.

Today is a holiday spent most of the time indoors, today is a holiday so I wake up late, wake up every morning, and leave home for Madrasa early in the morning, but today I woke up at ten o'clock in the morning, from sleep Breakfast after waking up, today's breakfast was small fish curry and rice.

There are some fish sellers in our area who come to our house when they get good fish in the river and sell it, this morning one of them brought small fish from the river Yamuna to sell to us, we buy some fish from him, and that fresh fish from the river. Cooked, fresh small fish from the Yamuna river are very tasty to eat. This morning I had that little fish and rice for breakfast.

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After breakfast, I took my younger son to the salon, because my younger son's hair has grown so much, I and my older son had a hair cut last week, today I took my younger son to the salon, after going there, I watched many serials. , because today is Friday, the salon is crowded.

After sitting for a while, my younger son's hair cut started, I waited for a long time for his hair cut, the owner of the salon said that there are two others to cut his hair, he will cut my son's hair as soon as they finish. After a long wait, my son's hair cut started. After a while I sat my son in the salon chair.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.


Beautiful short and simple activities shared by you.
