True happiness comes from good deeds


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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All the people of the world want happiness and peace, but no one is happy and not at peace, people do many things for a little happiness, but do not get real happiness, for a little happiness we are willing to do all kinds of things, and go to different places in search of happiness, still We cannot find true happiness, no matter how much we do for happiness.

For a little happiness and peace different people adopt different methods, some go to different countries for a little happiness and peace, and visit different places of different countries, then it feels good temporarily, but that love can never bring happiness or peace. there is only temporary pleasure.

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But after visiting that country or place of interest, when we reach our destination again, the same tiredness sets in, then again we think of getting happiness and peace again, again we go somewhere else but get temporary pleasure as before. goes, but real happiness and peace is not found.

Many people earn a lot of wealth for a little happiness and peace, but he does not find true happiness in this wealth, the more wealth he has, the more he suffers, the more his tension, because of this wealth, instead of happiness and peace. Lives in turmoil, and he never finds happiness.

Many people get married for a little happiness, but after marriage the trouble increases, because before marriage a man leads his life alone but after marriage another life gets involved with his life, then he wants to do whatever he wants. If not, then instead of happiness and peace there is more turmoil and suffering.

The true happiness and peace of man is in doing good, the more good he does, the more happy and peaceful he will be, and while doing good a different peace will work in his mind, for this we should all always do good, There is no substitute for good deeds to attain happiness and peace.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.
