My achievements in Rising Star

Hello dear people who love Rising Star and music.
I keep buying fans with what I collect from the million-dollar missions. With the leftover starbits I bought starpro outside the game but since I don't have 1 starpro to deposit in the game I'm going to try to do the music promoter mission for which I have to collect enough starbits. Comparing with the previous month

Fan: 34615/41300
Level: 132/133
Letters: 740/812
Skill: 50588/53055

You can follow these people, they are active and responsible with the platform:
@imfarhad @silvertop @lauramica @abbak7 @nahueldare3627 @borjan @thereikiforest @aswita @kkarenmp @jongolson @rosmiapure @steven-patrick @steevc
Good night and rest. Thank you for reading
