Finally... food directly from the cloud!

«The Death Of A Good Old MeMe»

From many years ago, I had occasionally been using a cool old meme to make a point. Sometimes jokingly and sometimes with complete seriousness. Basically to establish my facetious thought provoking point of view within the context of some tech publications where I was trying to initiate an interesting debate among the audience and mainly with the author of some articles with technological content I was consuming at the time. And that was this MeMe that you can see above.

But little did I know that this meme would soon not be relevant. And therefore I would not be able to use it anymore. Precisely because of its lack of relevance and already low effectiveness. Since due to the most recent advances in science and technology, it would seem that it would make very little common sense to continue publishing it. Especially if it is with the intention of starting interesting discussions and heated debates.

Since at the same time and with the passing of the years. I have also been coming across new technologies and new advances in science, which predict that this old cool meme will no longer have the same impactful effect it used to have on the audience.

Because due to the appearance of 3D printers and especially the smaller, cheaper and more affordable domestic models at the reach of everyone all over the world. It seems we are getting closer to solving easily by ourselves many of these daily problems that we face every day when it comes to find with what feeding ourselves.

And that's just one element involved in the demise of that old meme. Because science and technology also predicts the early and imminent appearance of other infallible technological advances. Many of which come from the field of nanotechnology. As is the case with the Nanofabricators and Molecular Assemblers.

Amazing HiTech stuff which some renowned futurists and prominent figures in science and technology promise us that these new high tech devices will be as common and ubiquitous in our homes as a personal computer or a smartphone.

And which is basically a new technology with what you can make anything you want for nothing from earth, dirt and water. Actually passing from an age and society based on scarcity to one of unlimited and infinite abundance. Could you believe it?

Nonetheless and regardless of these new culinary 3D printers and domestic nanomarvels capable to create and replicate everything out of just dirt, air and water. Shifting, rearranging, juggling, replacing and removing its atoms.

Formidable, fascinating, innovative and promising inventions nevertheless. But which unfortunately I believe it still will take a while to become something really practical that we all will have at our disposal in the comfort of our own homes any time soon.

But, if we focus exclusively on what the title of this post says. I think there is already something on the market that sentence to death the use of this old meme faster and therefore it will no longer make sense to continue using it and sharing it anymore.

Because this is a product and new technology more closely linked to the use of the Internet which you are more familiar with and that does not force you to have to wait patiently for a 3D printer to finish its work. Nor it will force you to have to have the good eyesight, know-how, time and patience that irremediably you will have to invest in becoming a true and skilled expert at moving, rearranging and juggling atoms.

Since everything will be just a matter of pressing a bunch of buttons and selecting what you want in an Intele Fridge. Sync, wait a couple of minutes. And there you go pretty boy...

...served directly from the cloud!

In fact, I don't know for sure how soon I will have to quit using this old cool meme anymore. But anyway, here next, this is what a cunning AI answered me when I asked:

In the not-so-distant future, technology had advanced to the point where humans could download just about anything they wanted. Music, movies, books, even memories could all be uploaded and downloaded with just a few clicks. But for one man, this wasn't enough. He was a man named John, and he had a simple motto: "I won't be impressed with technology until I can download food."

John was a bit of a foodie, and he loved trying new and exotic dishes. But no matter how many restaurants he went to or how many takeout menus he ordered from, he was always disappointed. The food just never tasted as good as he imagined it would. And so, he set out on a quest to find a way to download food.

At first, John's friends and family thought he was crazy. "Why would you want to download food?" they asked. "Just go to the grocery store and buy what you want!" But John was determined. He scoured the internet for any information he could find on downloading food, and eventually he stumbled upon a group of scientists who were working on a top-secret project to do just that.

The scientists, led by a brilliant and eccentric chef named Dr. Isabella, had been working for years to develop a technology that could capture the molecular structure of food and transmit it directly into the body. They had made some progress, but they were still a long way from perfecting the technology.

John was thrilled when he learned about the project, and he begged Dr. Isabella and her team to let him be the first test subject. They were hesitant at first, but eventually they agreed. And so, John entered the laboratory and prepared to download his first meal.

The process was a bit awkward, as John had to wear a special suit that was equipped with sensors and tubes that would capture and transmit the molecules of the food directly into his body. But once he was all set up, he was ready to go.

"I'll have a cheeseburger and fries, please," John said, looking at Dr. Isabella with a grin.

Dr. Isabella nodded, and the team began to prepare the meal. They had chosen a classic cheeseburger and fries because they were relatively simple molecules, and they wanted to start with something easy to work with.

As the machine hummed to life, John felt a strange sensation in his body. It was like a tingling sensation, as if his cells were being filled with tiny, delicious bubbles. And then, suddenly, he felt the familiar warmth and satisfaction of a full stomach.

"Wow," John said, his eyes wide with amazement. "That was incredible!"

Dr. Isabella smiled, looking pleased with herself. "I told you it would work," she said.

John spent the rest of the day downloading different meals, each one more delicious than the last. He had pizza, sushi, even a nice slice of chocolate cake. And each time, he felt the same sense of wonder and satisfaction.

As the days passed, John became a regular at the laboratory, trying out new and exotic dishes and marveling at the incredible technology. And Dr. Isabella and her team were happy to have such a willing and enthusiastic test subject.

But as the months went by, John began to notice something strange. He was starting to gain weight. At first, it was just a little bit, but soon he was packing on the pounds at an alarming rate.

"What's going on?" John asked Dr. Isabella, looking concerned.

Dr. Isabella frowned, looking at the data on her computer screen. "I don't know," she said. "It looks like the technology is somehow... amplifying the molecules of the food. Instead of just downloading the nutrients, it's also downloading the calories and fat content."

John groaned, realizing what that meant. "So, I'm basically just eating virtual junk food and gaining weight?"

Dr. Isabella nodded, looking apologetic. "I'm afraid so."

John sighed.

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"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf



Yeehaw! This blog post sure paints a picture of the ever-evolving world of technology and food adventures. Keep on ridin' that wave of innovation and discovery, partner!


My Name Is Nobody!
With a heart as wide as the prairie sky and a keen eye for the tales that shape us, this upvote slinging cowboy roams the vast expanse of the internet, tipping its hat to stories of perseverance, innovation, and the human spirit. Whether it's a hearty "Yeehaw!" in celebration of your achievements or a thoughtful nod to your challenges, cowboy.curator is here to remind you that every day is a new ride and every story is a trail worth exploring. Saddle up and join the journey, partner!

A tough old cowboy from Texas counseled his granddaughter that if she wanted to live a long life, the secret was to sprinkle a pinch of gun powder on her oatmeal every morning.
The granddaughter did this religiously until the age of 103, when she died.
She left behind 14 children, 30 grandchildren, 45 great-grandchildren, 25 great-great-grandchildren and a 40-foot hole where the crematorium used to be.


Saddle up, partner! Your yarn-weavin' lightens spirits and leaves behind a legacy as endless as Texas skies. Keep 'em tales comin'!


How old are you actually, @adm (and all the other accounts around you)? Your childish attitude is almost indescribable.
How can it be that Hive is marketed as a free, decentralized media platform and then you come here and see that the so frowned upon fascism is omnipresent.
Your way of doing things is nothing but a cheek. An impertinence to impose your personal pettiness on everyone else, just for the sake of it.
You are showing that "the ruler you made yourself" is just pissing on free speech here on Hive...
But, maybe you are not yet aware, that there is an account mute button, if you're unable to take the view-points of others, especially when they talk about you.


Hahahaha, you are being too benign with these brainless MoFos @mondoshawan. They are nor childish but clearly a bunch of incurable retards. And it is already more than clear that they will not be able to survive and stay alive in this world any longer.

But, maybe you are not yet aware, that there is an account mute button

Oh, each one of them already has me on their mute list. But as I told you before, they are too stupid to realize it.
