Raspberry and Cucumber (fable)

Raspberry and Cucumber

In spacious garden, on wide beds,
Raspberry and Cucumber lived together.
One green and big,
Other red and small.

Cucumber was modest but useful,
Vitamin rich and nutritious.
Raspberry was sweet and tasty,
Her fresh scent filled air.

Free image from Pixabay

One day bright sun came into garden,
It sparkled with golden rays.
Raspberry and Cucumber with great joy
Saw children walking nearby.

Children happily picked Raspberry,
Enjoyed her taste with smile.
Cucumber stood quietly on sidelines,
Waiting for his turn quietly.

But children ignored Cucumber,
Nobody was interested in green sausages.
They said about Cucumber that it looks like
Something funny and obscene.

But form was only half of trouble.
Cucumber was saturated with poison,
Which scared away harmful bugs
And poisoned people en masse.

And this rumor was spread by no one else,
Like familiar Raspberry.
She whispered all sorts of nonsense,
Because sweet taste is excellent,
But it's impossible to do anything
Without good information support.

So, Raspberry was hired in propaganda department,
And Cucumber rotted in garden, forgotten by everyone.
Real life is pretty harsh, you know.

The original text was written by me in Russian. I haven't studied English systematically, so translation may not be ideal. The main work was done by Google Translate, I just corrected obvious absurdities, where I noticed them and where I did not confuse them with brilliant insights.
