Buzzing monday burnt away!

Good evening buzzers! It's a beautiful Monday, and Sloth started the day with grand plans! My to-do list was topped up with awesome tasks to make my day buzz! I started with such great intentions, however, the sloth soon took over.

After a great walk with the dog in the morning, I had some real-life tasks to attend to, most of these saw me outside in the glorious sunshine! Unfortunately, sunshine is not something we often encounter here and it soon zapped the life out of me! I understand how people in certain countries have a midday nap! I sure could have done with one today!

So, needless to say, completing my to-do list was going to be a struggle! Of course, this means tomorrow my to-do list will be double the length but I'm going into it with great expectations!

Tonight, I just about managed to get a post typed up, not one I was intending on doing but such is life. Some days we sloth, others we buzz!

Tomorrow I plan on jumping into CryptoShots PvP as I was recently gifted an alpha pass to test it out! I'm excited to test the new game mode and see what all the buzz is about. I'm continuing my progress through Kingdom Kanrage, battling my way up the PvP leaderboard and chasing some bonus KKT through the mini-game 'heroes'. (Use ref, slothlyd if you decide to check out Kingdom Karnage for some awesome bonus sign-up gifts!).

For now, I'm slapping on some aftersun in the hope my glorious red colour will be a little more brown tomorrow! Well, I think this post is almost readable. I need to jump into bed, possibly with an all-over ice pack!

Until next time, sloth out!


@slothlydoesit Come play tomorrow Saturday at 9pm EST! 😎


Tried playing the other day, couldn’t get passes the matchmaking screen, think it was more a reflection of my connection than the game. Will try again soon!


Weird. If there are no players available in your region you should still be able to play (and earn) against bot soldiers.

By the way, flash tournament tonight at 9pm EST 😎
