24 Hours (Part 1)



Much rain fell that Saturday night and the next morning was cool and sweet in the city. Leaving the atmosphere conducive for their desired wild romance. Getting out of bed early to go to church for their post-wedding thanksgiving was going to be a challenge for young love birds. Or at least so Alice imagined when they first entered the room.
She subconsciously stretched her hand across the bed seeking the warmth of Tonye's body, just then the thunder roared and lightning reaped the dark skies of that chilly harmattan night and peeping into the nest of the newlyweds. Alice didn't know that her husband wasn't in bed till the lightning fell on her sleepy head and brightened her up. She gradually sat up as she noticed she was in bed alone. Now awake, Alice wondered where Tonye could be. She waited for a few seconds without his return, then she crawled out of bed slipped into a pair of bedrooms floppy, and made it to the restroom. In the toilet, Alice found her husband standing over the toilet system; he was struggling to masturbate!
Tonye stiffened as he heard the toilet door open. Alice caught Tonye in the act, but she was calm and tried to engage him nicely. She thus calmly put her left arm on his shoulder and asked tenderly. "Baby, what is the matter? My body is squinting desiring you, and you are here masturbating? How long ….. (before she could make her statement, Tonye thundered in a rage of ego-triggered anger). ‘How dare you? Alice was shocked, atwhat she was seeing !


Tonye refused to see that Alice is trying to help him from stopping the masturbating lifestyle.


There's the next episode chill , chill
