we'll see how this turns out soon enough, May 9th


1st post | 2nd post | 3rd post |

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The above are my last few pieces about this wild development in crypto that I've gotten the chance to be part of. I won't be devoting all my resources to discussing it, as any mention of meme has received LOL tokens??? from some guy. I don't remember the last thing I did that got that much attention here, so I must be doing something right. I still have to finish The Tipping Point anyway, and I've since seen Blood Diamond, which I want to delve into. Here's the conclusion.


Rhett's token, $TURBO, he told us was a memecoin. From this point on, I'd like to call it a dreamcoin. Rhett's journey is reminiscent of a dream many of us have. We would like to create, some of us do, and without a doubt, we've experienced failure before. Rhett's story meeting decentralized support inspires me, at least, to keep telling stories, and even change the game on how I do it.

$TURBO is popping for a couple good reasons:

  • a few key types of people are helping this along: mavens, connectors, and salesmen
  • the 'stickiness' of this idea: an artist can rally a community behind a token aligned by the incentive to incubate and amplify each other
  • context in which this story emerges matters as well: AI enables so many different things, including creativity, art, community, and now crypto?

Maybe I've drawn a bunch of unrelated connections. But maybe, there's something greater than what can be seen on the surface. Different people contributing and sharing their social proofs: of struggles, ambitions, successes and failures ultimately fosters a community where people grow in more ways than financially. This is the reason this moment is tipping towards escape velocity.

Disclaimer: I hold $TURBO out of an intrinsic conviction in artistry and artists. I do not recommend anyone invest with any expectations of financial renumeration. I encourage participation on the grounds a paradigm will shift once again.



Does the artist get wrecked when it comes time for everyone to sell his dream?


Ah. It's hard to say. But getting on mentioned on Fortune seems like a win-win for everybody.


A lot of win-wins in crypto. Perhaps years of exposure to the elements have made me jaded.
