A Worst Gift Experience | The Fear After Rejection


image design on canvas

Checking out the Weekend experience community and saw we have a lot of topic to pick from this time around, this particular topic made me remember those days when I was still in love with a friend of mine but didn't have the courage to ask her out or should I say i wasn't ready yet, fine we are bestie because we always spend time together and play around but I just manage to lock us in that friendship zone without taking any next steps. This was actually the first time I was free with the opposite gender, I love her, it was obvious and she knows too. I'm someone that love watching movies a lot especially romance/love based stories and at times I do like practicing some funny things I do see in movies because I joke a lot. So my bestie birthday was fast approaching and I was really in deep thought because I really don't know which gift to get for her as a lady, even though I'm somehow good with most things, picking gifts is one of the worst things I'm not good at and I do remove myself in such conversation.

I stylishly ask my guys which gift will they buy for their gf anytime she is celebrating her birthday, they actually gave me some answers that didn't sit well with me and out of the answers was an undies, I laugh it off because how will I be getting a lady an undies and moreover most ladies don't like it unless you are their man. One day, one of my church uncle took us to his church daughter new workshop since she just open a new plate to start her bag making business, she make handmade bags from scratch, I want with a male friend of mine, we got there, greeted the lady and she showed us some of the bags she made, to me she really made it well so I decided to get 3 different bags to present as a birthday gift, my friend also brought 2 to give to his own babe. The D day came and I was happy I brought someone good for this lady, she came around we talked and play for a while, she ask for her birthday gift and I told her I didn't get any jokingly, then after a while I went inside to bring what I got and I was surprised by her reaction.

She told me bluntly that I got rubbish, rubbish as how? I asked. This girl told me if I want to get her something, I should get the right one and not a hand made bag plus it look rough kind of, not properly made, to cut it off, she rejected the gift and I thought she was joking until she left without taking them. I was just wowed and pained somehow but after some days, she later beg me since I just decided to ghost her for days and I just let it go but in my mind, I just stop getting her gift and always give her one excuse or the other.


Getting to know a perfect gift is sometimes a difficult task. It is always best to ask what the person would prefer.


yea, that is the best way to do it. just try and see the list of things the person really want or just run away😂


free with the opposite gender

not same gender? jk jk haha

Anyways that must have been a sad experience. I can't believe some people have the audacity to react like that. I feel it's the effort that counts. Anyways this is not the type of lady you want anyways. Don't just ghost for a few dayys, just ghost forever it's not worth it haha. you can do way better

have a good weekend and xmas !


I'm always free with my gender but the opposite gender is a no for me even till now but I have exceptions.

Her reaction was really off, at least someone else appreciate the same gift she rejected 😂. Merry Xmas to you too


I'm always free with my gender but the opposite gender is a no for me even till now but I have exceptions.

I see :)

Anyways glad somebody else appreciated it. that's the one you want!

and thank you I will have a good xmas hopefully haha


Thanks for being involved.

Merry Christmas to you and your family and all the best for 2024.


Getting a perfect gift for someone is such a hard decision to make 😐 HAHA
