What do you think!! ~ in the near future, cryptocurrencies will be replaced by newer and more efficient technologies??


Cryptocurrencies in general represent a complex technology with the potential to change the world. In large part it could lead to greater financial inclusion, greater democratization of the financial system and greater individual freedom ~ a significant impact on society. However, I am extremely interested in certain honest answers from those who are active daily in this decentralized environment ~ What is the future of cryptocurrencies? What do you think about the future of these types of digital goods?

The future of these assets is uncertain ~ Some people believe that cryptocurrencies will revolutionize the global financial system, while others believe that they are a more complex speculative bubble that will eventually fail.

--- This question was created on [reverio.io](https://reverio.io), Reverio is a question and answer platform built exclusively for Hive. Answer this question on Reverio by clicking [here](https://Reverio.io/question/valentin86/what-do-you-think-----in-the-near-future--cryptocurrencies-will-be-replaced-by-newer-and-more-efficient-technologies--).


All I see about the future of cryptocurrency is that the future is very bright and we are still quite early so we can benefit from it


Thanks for asking this very interesting and complex question. Frankly speaking, I strongly think that many cryptocurrencies have a lot of potential for the future. HIVE is certainly one of them as is still Steem. I actually write from my personal experience. Not only this, but, as you very well pointed out, cryptocurrencies have the potential to empower many people and give the more economic freedom which is very much in need nowadays. Best regards and plenty of success here on HIVE! 🙂


Steemit a pierdut datorită acțiunilor lui Justin Sun - pur si simplu datorită bifurcației pe care am experimentat-o mulți am fost duși in eroare ce a cauzat o pierdere a acelui timp individualizat care ar fi trebuit fructifizat într-un mod pozitiv ( in niciun caz prin scandaluri si diverse tipuri de atacuri ). E o problema imensă in acest spatiu criptografic - multi dintre noi nu cunoaștem cu adevărat ce înseamnă a fi într-un mediu descentralizat față de cel centralizat + + + cred cu tărie ca încă există persoane care frecventează acea rețea centralizata fără să știe de existența ecosistemului Hive Blockchain. Prin legile reglementate de un anumit grup organizațional, in mod normal un bun își va pierde cu timpul acel interes generalizat.

Principalul principiu expus de Satoshi Nakamoto în lucrarea sa este dezcentralizarea. Adică datorită acelui principiu, diminuezi si elimini vulnerabilitate la corupție și manipulare. Problema ce facem cu abuzul de putere!!??? Uite de exemplu prin centralizare Steemit Inc. are controlul complet asupra platformei. Compania poate șterge conținut, bloca utilizatori și modifica funcționalitatea platformei în orice moment. Acest aspect oferă companiei Steemit o putere semnificativă asupra libertății de exprimare a utilizatorilor. De exemplu, in 2018, compania Steemit Inc. a șters o serie de postări si comentarii care criticau compania. Pe când aici in ecosistemul Hive Blockchain lucrurile stau cam cu totul altfel ~ un mediu descentralizat întotdeauna va avea potențial


Hmm, very interesting... I did not have any such problems either on Steemit or on HIVE. I've had great experiences so far both here and there for which I am tremendously grateful. I fully understand your point of view as well and it definitely makes sense to me. However, at the same time, isn't HIVE a fork (and, by extension, a part) of Steemit? So Steemit can be said that it is descentralised by extension through its fork, HIVE, right? Thank you very much in advance for your answer! All the best!
