RE: PowerUp 💪 October - Vacations Part-1


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Indeed! Was a long trip... bottom almost get squared...

Thank you for all the support and interest on the pool and in general. I think for a slow start distribution that I was hopping for, this is very very in the likes of perfect. At least I can not think of it going better that its going. And given that I have been quite away lately, everyone has been discovering it naturally via the channels I am usually around and others. So, all in all, quite nice.

Slowly, the pressure is amounting via the pool, and that is a very necessary thing before more developments. Plus, reaching more people now becomes more important, and the real use case of teaching becomes more evident because there is a "product" to be used for teaching, which drives the model I wanted initially, of being incentivizing enough, that it is a good use case for showing others how pools work.
