People with Genotype AA

Greetings, people!

First of all, I'm genotype AA

There's a popular notation in my country that says that people with genotype AA are bound to fall sick every three months. I didn't go and do research on this before coming to write, but from what I heard, the doctors in the country are strongly behind this notation because they can do anything to attract patients to their hospitals, especially those that run private hospitals. In fact, if they have their way, they can declear everyone to being HIV positive just to be cashing out on a regular basis. Imagine a doctor saying that it's very bad to live a month without taking drugs. That was what I heard from a doctor on a bus selling his own NAFDAC certified drugs.

Back to the genotype saga:

This sickness attached to AAs has become a national anthem in the country. When someone falls sick often, the next question that would come up from the mouth of anyone, even a 5-year-old baby, is, "Are you genotype AA?"

People love the sickness that AA brings.
Genotype AA is a flexible genotype because it can pair with anyone. In fact, any lady with AA is seen as a celebrity because they can do anything; they can go on a date and focus on wrecking down the guy's money on food without bothering to ask the important question of the guy's genotype whether they are fit for the relationship or not.

Once these people fall sick, you would hear them say things like:
"It's Genotype AA that's doing me, so I'm not bothered."

"I like this every three months of sickness; it's a way of validating my AAness."

They won't just keep quiet; they'll start announcing that they're passing through AA's effect of sickness; in fact, if they have their way of sticking a placard on their body, they would gladly do that.

In my former workplace, all of us (the staff) are AA, and they take turns in getting sick. Whenever such sickness starts, their mouth will be forbidden to keep quiet. They'll keep announcing it in a bid to attract attention. They were ladies, so I didn't take much offence with the way they canvassed the AA's sickness, but whenever it gets to our manager's turn (a male), oh boy! We'll not hear a word for the whole season of his sickness.
Imagine a man announcing his sickness every 30 minutes just to get "eyah, sorry, get well soon"(petting)

That habit used to put me off, and I can count the number of times I forced myself to tell him sorry in order not to appear as a wicked person.

What if they die while celebrating AA's sickness?

I've wondered many times:

  • Does it mean that the sickness from genotype AA does not kill?
  • Do people with genotype AA have another spare life somewhere that they can easily go and pick when their main life finally die from the sickness?

Gosh! The way they celebrate the sickness makes it look like the sickness is not life-threatening. What if they die while petting the sickness? I'm sure heaven's gate will be locked against them because... (I better not complete that).

The worst part is when these people start blaming friends who didn't check on them while they're sick.
Image source

You'll hear them say:
Didn't you hear I was sick? You couldn't call or come to check on me.

My boss is very fond of this behavior. I hate it so much because how can a man be sick and be wanting people to hover around him for pet talk?
It means they're loving the sickness because they see it as an opportunity to attack loved ones who are showing less concern.

My question is, what if they die while nurturing the sickness?
On the day of their death, If I happens to be at the gate of heaven(I mean, when I becomes heaven's gatekeeper while still alive on earth), I will pursue these people to hell whenever I see them approaching heaven.

Stop nurturing sickness!


Hilarious, how genotype can give someone fame and perks and more amazingly a new life. So the superior powers are being declined by giving credit to AA. Do everyone there has the same age genotype and what if they don't recover ( AA can't win the fight against the BB pathogens 😆) . This means doctors should leave treating the patients as the genotype AA will do everything. !LOL you will be hired as a gatekeeper as your intentions are great hehe.


This reminded me of a thing I read a long time ago that when you keep talking about being sick, chances are, it will come true. Even read a similar thing from Napoleon Hill.

Anyway, it's interesting that they associate blood type AA with sickness. I also read from one here on Hive where some ladies there have to ask the blood type of men they go out with because accordingly, there's a certain blood type that carries a disease that can be inherited by the offspring (something like that).


Heeew, it's like you're a sickler(sickle cell anemia) hahaha. Guy, leave people and their sicknesses. Let them nurture it the way they want. Else, I will make you the gatekeeper and gateman of heaven now. A single bullet is enough to send you there.

But, honestly, such attitude is displeasing abeg


Hahahaha... This is funny you know. But I'm AA and I does not fall sick that easily. This would be my first time hearing it.

Anyways, people using this are just faking themselves. Doctors should be careful oooo. They must not use their own to collect the little money we are making to buy their drugsooo
