Lolz Giveaway 6

Lolz Giveaway 5 winners ;
For some reason i can't make screenshot on my computer 🤷‍♂️
I sent 2 time the 0,5 Lolz by mistake one time to @steemstreems and one time to @satyre and i sent the !lolz to @steemstreems here

To participate you just have to leave your comment and you will be participating in the giveaway there will be 1 winner of 0.5 LOLZ token and 1 winner of 1 !lolz

Good luck to all of you, and see you in the next giveaway.Participants in previous draws: @hoosie @wearealive @gestion.alive @luizeba @memess @droida @pregosauce @jfang003 @eolianpariah2 @firstborn.pob @satyre @steemstreems
Let me know in the comments if you want stop begin tagged
